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This is an spider diagram of the masthead ideas for my college magazine and also how it will look on the magazine.

These are my rough designs for my college magazine contents page.

This is my rough final design for my front cover of my magazine.

This is my college magazine that I created around the magazine GQ. I use the colours red, white and black as a consistent theme in my magazine because they are colours that attract my target audience and they fit with the simple, elegant theme that I was trying to portray within my magazine like that of GQ. Samples of GQ inspired my college magazine with style and layout.

The consistent font i use within my magazine depicts the simplicity I try to get across to the reader. By using simple, bold font it makes it easily readable for the viewer. The size of the font differs for the importance of the certain word or sentence. The masthead is the largest size to show to the reader that it is the title of the magazine. The cover lines are slightly bigger than the rest of the font to show that they are also of high importance but not as important as the masthead. They show the viewer what they are going to absorb when reading this magazine. The smaller font is just to describe what the articles have to offer.

The image of a student is placed slightly to the right and covers a large proportion of the front cover. This is again inspired by the layout of GQ which  highlights the most important article within the article. I have set the magazine at a certain low price of £1.50. I have done this because it suits my target audience if students and they are unlikely to pay for a college magazine at a high price, so at a low price it was practical. Also the bar code is shown bottom left hand corner. Originally it was in the right hand corner however it had to be changed in order for the image to be placed correctly.

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